supporting image for Component 2 Section A: Television in the Global Age - No Burqas Behind Bars
Published: 08 March 2018
- Lynne Greenwood
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Component 2 Section A: Television in the Global Age - No Burqas Behind Bars

Media Studies
KS5 >

An extensive set of resources to support the teaching of one of the Set Products for the new Eduqas AS and A-level Media Studies specification. The detailed student notes cover all areas of the theoretical framework and apply theories and contexts to No Burqas Behind Bars. The activities are designed to encourage learners to develop independent analytical skills. The digital resources can be used in the classroom and are highly interactive and engaging.

'Fair dealing' of third party materials is used for criticism and review purposes however if there are omissions or inaccuracies please inform us so that any necessary corrections can be made

While all resources were correct at the time of publishing, teachers should be aware that things move quickly in the media industry and should therefore check that the information is still current and correct.

Component 2
Global age
No Burqas Behind Bars


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